Get to the Bottom of Your Digestive Issues with Functional Medicine

Get to the Bottom of Your Digestive Issues with Functional Medicine

How often do you reach for antacids? Do you ever plan outings based on the location of the nearest bathroom? These are just a few characteristics that come with digestive issues that can disrupt everyday life.

In Monterey, California, Dr. Terry L. Franklin takes a whole-body approach to helping people reach and maintain optimal health and wellness. While it’s tempting to ignore periodic digestive issues, like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or diarrhea, ongoing symptoms could indicate an underlying problem.

If you have digestive issues, here are a few ways Dr. Franklin uses functional medicine to get to the source of your symptoms.

Digestive issues and your overall health

Digestive complaints are fairly common, ranging from nausea, acid reflux (GERD), and constipation to bloating, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

But when you ignore persistent digestive issues, it can trigger inflammation in your body. This could put you at risk of chronic health issues, such as:


Once Dr. Franklin identifies the root cause of your digestive issues, he can create a customized treatment strategy to address them moving forward.

How functional medicine works

As a functional medicine provider, Dr. Franklin understands that digestive issues occur from specific triggers, such as:

These factors can vary significantly from person to person, so Dr. Franklin takes a personalized approach to determine what could be triggering your symptoms.

During your visit, Dr. Franklin takes the time to listen to you, learn about your symptoms, and gather your medical history. He also performs a comprehensive exam and orders additional diagnostic tests to confirm a diagnosis or rule out underlying conditions.

Functional medicine and digestive disorders

Based on the cause of your digestive disorder, Dr. Franklin could suggest various approaches to help improve your symptoms. But an essential component of functional medicine is good nutrition. After all, your body can’t perform properly without the nutrients it needs. 

Don’t worry — you don’t have to figure it out on your own.

A significant aspect of managing digestive disorders with functional medicine often includes lifestyle education. With Dr. Franklin as your guide, you can rest easy knowing that you can learn the strategies you need to live the healthiest life possible, such as:

In addition to these strategies, Dr. Franklin can also offer treatment strategies for acute or chronic diseases contributing to your digestive issues.

Do you have ongoing digestive symptoms? Dr. Franklin can help get to the root cause with functional medicine, so you get the tools you need to improve your overall health and wellness.

Contact our office in downtown Monterey, California, by calling 831-647-3190 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Franklin today.

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