5 Ways a Hormone Imbalance Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health

5 Ways a Hormone Imbalance Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health

You probably associate hormones with life events like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. But they play a significant role in everyday life as well, from emotional and mental well-being to physical and sexual health. 

Because of this, even the slightest imbalance can throw off your systems — a reality that becomes increasingly common with age.

Whether you were born female or male, the production of certain hormones naturally declines with age. One female hormone that significantly decreases is estrogen, and the male hormone is testosterone. You may consider them simply sex hormones, but they play a far larger role in the body.

At his practice in Monterey, California, Dr. Terry L. Franklin sees the effects of hormone imbalances on a daily basis. To restore healthy levels, he relies on BioTE® bioidentical HRT — a hormone replacement therapy customized to your individual needs.

Blame your hormones

Have you been feeling off lately? Here are five common signs your hormones could be to blame.

Reduced sex drive

Studies show that 1 in 5 men — and even more women — have a low libido. 

It’s certainly true that aging can play a role in these changes. It’s also normal to experience peaks and valleys with your sex drive over the years, especially during times of high stress. 

But you shouldn’t consider a decreased libido normal — and the same goes for vaginal changes or difficulty achieving (or maintaining) an erection.

These changes are a common sign of hormonal imbalance. But they can have other causes too, like underlying medical problems, medications, stress, and mood disorders.

If your sex drive is causing you concern or distress, talk to Dr. Franklin to get to the source of the problem. 

Weight gain

Have you been losing muscle? Or gaining unexplained fat around your middle? It could be time to check your hormones.

Hormones play a role in appetite, metabolism, and weight distribution. Without healthy numbers, this can cause numerous physical changes, including unexplained weight gain, muscle loss, and excess fat accumulation. 

Memory problems

People often make jokes about senior moments, but that doesn’t mean you should accept them as your new normal. 

Hormones have direct links to cognition. And in women, estradiol (the primary form of estrogen) affects memory and the reorganization of the brain’s circuitry — the system that regulates memory function.

If you find yourself having difficulty concentrating, processing information, or remembering things, don’t wait to schedule an appointment to protect your brain health moving forward.

Mood swings

Everyone has highs and lows, good days and bad. But when depression, anxiety, irritability, or chronic mood swings disrupt your daily life, don’t ignore them. 

Fluctuating hormones are completely normal. But estrogen and testosterone levels that are consistently low can wreak havoc with your body’s ability to regulate your mood — specifically serotonin, the neurotransmitter that contributes to happiness and well-being.

Bone loss

Finally, hormone imbalances can significantly increase your chances of osteoporosis. This disease means you have fragile and brittle bones, increasing the risk of breaks and degeneration.

Women or those assigned female at birth have much higher rates of this disease, but it also affects men and those assigned male at birth.

Treating hormone imbalance

If any of these changes sound familiar, Dr. Franklin can help. It simply takes a comprehensive exam, a candid conversation about your symptoms, and a blood test to assess your hormone levels.

Based on his findings, Dr. Franklin can create a personalized treatment strategy using BioTE bioidentical HRT. Unlike other hormone therapies, this plant-based form of HRT has the same molecular structure as the hormones that naturally occur in your body. 

The result? Fewer side effects and risks than with synthetic hormones.

BioTE hormones also come in pellet form, which Dr. Franklin places under your skin. This approach ensures you receive a steady stream of hormones — not the spikes seen with hormone therapies taken orally.

In most cases, BioTE pellets last 3-6 months, and then you return to the office so Dr. Franklin can check your hormone levels and implant your next dose.

Could you have a hormone imbalance? Schedule an assessment with Dr. Franklin in downtown Monterey, California, today.

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