3 Reasons Why We Think You Should Commit to Losing Weight

We completely understand that shedding those extra pounds isn’t easy, especially when you have a lot of weight to lose. But the benefits are well worth the effort, and they go far deeper than you may realize.
In Monterey, California, Terry L. Franklin, MD, understands that achieving optimal health involves far more than your body alone. That’s why he offers personalized wellness care and lifestyle education services designed to help our patients reach their individual goals.
Do you need more motivation to tackle your weight? Dr. Franklin shared three reasons you may not have thought of to help you commit once and for all.
Did you know that even a little bit of extra weight can affect your cognitive health?
Believe it or not, studies show a link between obesity and brain function, suggesting that excess pounds can help weaken the blood-brain barrier. When this occurs, substances manufactured by your fat cells can reach your brain, similar to how they flow to the heart.
Fortunately, studies also show that even a 12-week exercise program could significantly boost your brainpower by helping you lose fat and build healthy, lean muscle. And research shows that 12 weeks after bariatric surgery, patients show improved memory when compared to people who didn’t drop any weight.
Many of our patients underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep, but it should be at the top of your priority list, especially when it comes to your weight and health.
Nearly 30 million Americans (12%) have some form of sleep apnea. There are different types, but obesity is a leading cause for the most prevalent form, obstructive sleep apnea.
Not only does sleep apnea affect your mood and day-to-day performance, but it also increases your chances of developing serious health complications. It increases your chances of gaining weight and can even shorten your life.
The good news is that losing 5% or more of your body weight can improve your sleep quality and help you get more ZZZs each night at the same time.
What if we told you that carrying those extra pounds around is contributing to your pain?
Unfortunately, obese individuals typically have higher levels of pain. While you may assume it’s because of the added stress it puts on your hips, knees, ankles, and feet, that's only the beginning.
Being overweight could also increase inflammation throughout your body, which can trigger additional joint pain throughout your body. And in recent years, researchers have identified potential links between widespread pain and chronic conditions, like fatigue and depression.
Committing to losing weight often helps reduce existing pain, including arthritis, and protect your body from future problems. And the best part? Losing just 10-15 pounds can provide results.
Do you want more reasons to commit to losing weight or help reaching your weight loss goals? Contact our office in Monterey to schedule a visit with Dr. Franklin.
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